I love running, especially in Grenoble. It's the perfect weather, always about 35-40 degrees F with a breeze, to go running all the time. That might seem cold, but when you're sweating and getting your blood pumping, c'est parfait. I'm also learning my way around town, greeting the other tons of runners everywhere, and trying to comprehend French advertisements while attempting to improve my stamina/figure/athleticism. Man, I'm tired.
This morning, I was up at 5:45 to go snowshoeing with students from another university in town. I wouldn't have known any of the students because Kate has the flu (which really sucks, and I feel really bad that she's cooped in her house until she somehow recovers). But, I got to the bus station this morning only to find out that snowshoeing was cancelled because there is apparently no snow on the mountain. No snow?!? Of course, all the snow IS IN NEW YORK, NOT IN THE ALPS, where it should be. Well, our trip is rescheduled for sometime in February, which turns out really well for Kate!
I believe I'm going to go to the "French Coffee Shop," get un café, and read a book! Parlez-vous bientôt! Bisous.
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