Tuesday, January 25, 2011

This is hard...

Life is hard, I know. If I could have just a little, measely penny for every time my mom told me "sometimes people have to do things they don't want to do" or "life isn't always easy," I'd be close to a millionaire. (We won't even start with other classic phrases such as "Make good choices" and "We're on your team, honey") Unfortunately for my pride, those phrases help and they are totally true. Life isn't easy, no matter how much fun you have in between the tough stuff.

1. Classes are going to be harder than expected. Who knew that Europeans studied? I seriously was under the impression that they just party a lot, which they do. It totally freaks me out that most of my grade in all of my classes is based on ONE exam. One final exam determines my academic success and possibly my admitance into graduate school. So what am I supposed to do if I just happen to have a mental breakdown right before?

2. Language is hard. It's hard enough coming to a foreign country and trying to meet a bunch of people, create a new set of friends, and go on trips with people you barely know. But, add not really knowing the native language, and you're in for an interesting experience.

Let's be honest, France is fabulous. I pretty much do something every weekend, and while I'm here, I will make it to Brussels, Rome, Paris, London, Manchester, Madrid, Spain, Geneva... and others. Not too shabby, right? But, let's be honest. The only terrible part about study abroad is leaving everyone. I miss my friends at school, and I miss my family.

Honesty is a great policy, and I miss Asher more than I could possibly put into words. I could go on for days about him, but I'll save the sap.

Ok, I'm think I'm done with that. School was great today. I had my first business presentation which went really well! I might be going snowshoeing with Kate and some other kids this weekend, so I'm really looking forward to that. Tonight, I'll go to Café Baynard for my weekly tradition of Irish music.

A bientôt! Au revoir.

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