Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Mexican, Irish, German, just a little French

Just some updates:
1. Mexican restaurants in France are the best. I ordered just a salad at La Cantina Mexicaine in downtown Grenoble. It ended up the largest thing I had ever seen with two huge chicken tacos on top, the sauce was also to die for. The French can do any cuisine they put their minds to.

2. It is Ana's Birthday today (Wednesday) so did our traditional Tuesday event of Irish music at the Café Bayard! It was especially lovely tonight because our whole appartment went, we ended up with the whole Irish band to ourselves, and we got to celebrate Ana's 21st! She had a tic tac in honor of her birthday, ha!

3. Two of my favorite people right now are German. Two girls in my class, Sarah and Christiana, are both from Germany and have the best comments in class and really have a sense of business and EU issues. I love that our classes are so discussion based, so we get the privilege of debating issues with students from all over the world. Honestly, I feel a little intimidated sometimes and often feel that I can't fully express my thoughts, but the insights into what the rest of the world thinks about EU issues, the financial crisis, and America is really valuable.

Classes are good (even though I have an 8 o'clock tomorrow and I'm writing this at 1 o'clock in the morning), and we are continuing to celebrate Ana's birthday tomorrow! Brussels this weekend with Jazzy-J!!! A demain!

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