Thursday, January 20, 2011

Fruity Beauty

That's the name of my team's pre-teen girls' lotion product for our Innovation and New Product Development class. Our team is made up of 2 German girls, 2 French girls, and me, and I can take full credit for the name! You can tell that I have a 13-year-old sister though, and sometimes I still act strikingly similar to a dramatic, teenage girl who would enjoy a lotion product named "Fruity Beauty". Anyway, our assignment is to take a product and change the packaging to meet the emotional and personal identity needs of consumers. We chose lotion, and we'll tailor the package to make it more attractive to young girls (and women like me who like glittery lip-gloss and the like). We're thinking that we will change the shape of the bottle completely to shape different kinds of fruit and may even put a cute face/character of the package. Thoughts?

Our group met yesterday at GEM. It was surprisingly difficult to get ideas across. With different accents and simply different ways of saying things, a lot got lost in translation dispite the fact the everyone was fluent in English. "Mouth" easily got mistaken for "mouse," and we could never find a word to discribe the pump/squirt thing at the top of lotion bottles. Just getting to "squirt thing" took a while.

Note: I DO NOT recommend googling Fruity Beauty. Take my word on it.

Tonight, I am getting together with the CEA director to go over how I'm adjusting to French life (a formality), and then I'm going to a little party at my new German friend's apartment with Kate! Should be fun.

Parlez-vous beintôt! Au revoir.

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