Monday, May 2, 2011

News and Exams

I'll get back to blogging about my recent trips soon enough with Rome coming next, however there is a lot to be said today. I just finished my first business exam this morning, second exam since my French exam was last Tuesday after my trip to Rome. It was the Ethical Dimensions of International Business class so the exam was 12 pages of writing essays. Six questions were presented, I had to answer three and the answers needed to be four pages in length; needles to say, my pencil never left the paper for the full three hours. I need to get used to writing that much however because 1) I'll be doing it all this week with exams and 2) I'm tackling standardized tests next year. Innovation exam tomorrow.

I really wish I was in the US today. I probably found out that bin Laden was killed a full twelve hours after everyone in the US was, and all I see is facebook exploding with statuses and news feeds announcing patriotic messages. I really don't mean to sound cliché or to sound a bit like a tool, but I really just want to be in Tennessee right now or in DC better yet. Pictures of Americans celebrating in the streets all over the country doesn't help. I just want to be there.

Of course, nothing was said today about it at school. Grant it, I only went to take an exam and only talked to a few people and didn't even find out until afterwards, but it would have been nice to hear a someone living in Europe acknowledge the fact that America just made the single most important security threat removal possibly ever. Obviously, I count as someone living in Europe, and I didn't start celebrating randomly, but this may be because I'm still in a different country, and despite being here for a semester, are still not sure how people from different countries may react. Now that I think about it, I may have written some sort of sentence in my Ethics exam about how the US must control their influence over other countries so as to not impose our culture on others. I'm guilty and only fueling the fire; we are undoubtedly still the most resected and greatest country in the world. We make mistakes, we have dirty politicians like every other country in the world, we have a crazy sport that no other country understands, and we live in our own bubble of American pride and sometimes ignorance. This is all for good reason though. The pride comes from somewhere. It's from our communities of strong values, our religion, our troops, our drive to excel, and from the American dream itself. Find me another country who has all this.

What impression do I give when changing my profile picture to an American flag?

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