Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Le Premier Examen Français

J'ai mon premier examen français aujourd'hui. I'm not too worried because all of the material we have covered so far in my lowly level 2 French class has been review. I pay attention in class, do the homework, haven't done many computer lab exercises, but I think I will be able to read, write, and comprehend well enough. The listening comprehension aspect will truly be a bit of a challenge. The professor will play an audio of a French speaker telling us something very important or asking a question, and we have to respond. The problem is that the speaker talks way too fast!

Yesterday, our GEM Bachelor of International Business group had a de-briefing so the professors and administrators could get a feel of what everyone thought about the classes. We talked for about 30 minutes on the completely unorganized nature of most of the classes, the confusion of having more that one professor for each class, and the crazy schedule. Most of us had complaints, but I really feel glad that I am going to a very prestigious school taking difficult classes while studying abroad. I could have easily chosen a program studying "wine and culture" or "art history" and getting International Business credit, but I am learning a lot about business and culture which I am truly thankful.

Also during the meeting, one of the French girls, who is obviously fluent in English and French, spoke about how much she was learning in her Chinese class at GEM. I'm amazed. I'm trying very hard to learn two languages and many are way above me on a totally different level learning their third or fourth language. If there is one thing that I have truly learned it is that I am a stereotypical American who doesn't know the capital of Sweden, the name of the currency in Hungary, or what language people from Moldova speak, I only know English, and I am convinced that businesses save the world every single day. Working on changing mindsets and educated myself in, well, "world."

One more thought: I HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE couples who study abroad together. I found out that at least two GLSers are getting the divine opportunity to study in their respective countries WITH their significant others. I HATE THEM!!!!! To further get my point across, if I were studying abroad with significant other, I would not hate other couples and my life would most certainly reach the idealistic goal of being "perfect." Really, my life would be perfect, and that's hard to do.

Bisous! Je vais prendre mon examen!

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